It’s a feeling in the air, a vibe, an energy. You feel good just being there, and the more you explore your surroundings, the stronger the feeling becomes.
Waterton is one of those places. Nestled in the far southwest corner of Alberta, where the mountains meet the prairie, Waterton Lakes National Park is 505 square kilometres (195 square miles) of wilderness mountain and lake landscapes surrounding the town of Waterton. Shaped over centuries by wind, fire, glacial ice and floods, the park’s ecosystem is so distinctive that it was designated a Biosphere Reserve by the United Nations. It boasts the title of International Peace Park too, thanks to the unguarded border it shares with Glacier National Park in Montana. And the activities? Well – those are otherworldly too.
The hiking here is legendary and it’s difficult to imagine a more majestic setting for a game of golf. Photographers, birdwatchers and botanists gather here for good reason. Waterton Lake is a wind surfer’s paradise and a fisherman’s dream. Campsites abound and cozy indoor accommodations dot the town site. There are numerous adventure companies standing at the ready, but if you’d rather wind things down, consider a picturesque picnic, a moonlight lake cruise, or quiet contemplation by Cameron Falls.
You name it, Waterton has it, and it has it the way mountain park aficionados love it best – unspoiled, uncrowded, and unbelievably beautiful.